Optical sectioning of C. elegans' anterior neuronswith home build light-sheet microscopy.
Movie of z-stack of neuronal microtubules, visualized with TBB-4::EGFP, imaged with light-sheet microscopy. From chapter 3 of my PhD thesis.

Neuronal activity in the tail region of C. elegans
Neuronal activity visualized with GCaMP in the tail region, imaged with home build light-sheet microscope.
From chapter 3 of my PhD thesis.
Femto-second laser ablation

Cutting off ciliary protein import
Fluorescence microscopy movie of pair of C. elegans' phasmid cilia (XBX-1::EGFP strain) pre and post-ablation. From chapter 4 of my PhD thesis.
Live single-molecule microscopy

Single-molecule turnarounds of
intraflagellar transport
at the C. elegans ciliary tip
Tip turnarounds of OSM-6::EGFP in C. elegans phasmid cilia. Ciliary bases are located in the lower half of the video, ciliary tips in the upper half.
Transient accumulation of OSM-6::EGFP
at the ciliary tip

Single-molecule imaging of the GPCR SRB-6 in C. elegans cilia
Single-particle fluorescence image sequences of endogenously labeled SRB-6, showing its low expression level in the phasmid cilia and mostly diffusive and salutatory motility.
Single-molecule imaging of calcium channel OCR-2
Collage of example single-molecule image sequences of OCR-2::EGFP, demonstrating the diversity in OCR-2 motility.

Live-cell microscopy in Fungi

Transport of lipids in a hyphae of symbiotic fungi
Live-cell fluorescence imaging of lipid dyes in symbiotic Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi. From my post-doc research at AMOLF.
Transport of mitochondria in symbiotic fungi

Live-cell microscopy of fluorescently labeled nuclei in fungi
Multi-directional transportation
in fungal hyphae
During my internship in UC Berkely, I studied butterflies
Fluorescence microscopy image showing butterfly scales
With actin staining colored in red, which give rise to the structures that give color to the scales.

Electron micropgraph of scales on a butterfly wing
Super-resolution microscopy

STORM image of microtubules in young neuron
STochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy (STORM) image. Superposition of four images taken at different depths, showing the microtubules going around the nucleus.
STORM image of microtubules around centrosome